Saturday, July 31, 2010

"Love Needs Struggle and Sacrifice"

Okay..i will start with my story..and it's story is based on my true story,about a man love someone(best friend)..i will call the man n the girl name is Aron and Jessica..
For all of you..Love just need struggle?or just need sacrifice?or two of them?for me,love needs struggle n sacrifice..
hmmm..First time Aron meet Jessica at Junior high by day pass,they become a friend,but why sometimes Aron can hate her,because she is so fussy n like crazy girl(peacee)..
Year by year pass..they become a good best friend..when already at the end of second senior high school,Aron was fall in love with Jessica,Aron doesn't know why can love her..maybe cause that she already wasn't be a fussy girl,become a cute girl n a quiet girl..after we enter 3 senior high school,his friend said to Aron, must say to jessica that you love her..but Aron was afraid to say that because aron scared jessica wasn't accept his love..after day by day day maybe jessica know that Aron love her,so Jessica was slowly stay away for him..Aron was so suprised,why Jessica act like that to him..and then when Jessica want to go abroad,Aron write a letter to her,it's about that Aron tell to jessica that he wasn't love her..Aron was lying(berbohong) to himself,cause Aron scared she go way..
Day by day pass..Jessica back to hometown..and the act to Aron is different,wasn't stay away again from him..just like best friend before..
One day Jessica borrow HP from Aron,and at that time Jessica read Aron sms with another friend,sharing about jessica n said that he love that time jessica was very angry with Aron,and wasn't talk n trust him anymore..Aron was so suprise and very regret about that..The next day Aron explain it all and jessica just hear n let it flow..
One day Jessica was fall in love with someone..Aron was suprise and regret..after that hefight to get Jessica love and her trust..because he think,if he don't fight again,he will never get the result..but after he fight and sacrifice his time..he get the disapointed act form her..because jessica was already in realtionship with another people..and Aron was consider that jessica like a best friend..Sometimes when jessica has a problem,she find aron..sharing,asking a solution n etc..aron want help her because he doesn't want see jessica sad..he always want to see jessica happy..
Month by month pass..jessica already want to go abroad for study at there..before she go Aron was already prepare something that he want to gift's a photo album,it's a memorable gift..cause Aron doesn't want Jessica forget about that album have photo with friends n them..Aron said to jessica you must keep it..cause "hanya satu" lah kenangan ini bagi kita"..
For Aron his job to protect her is already finish cause Jessica already have someone to protect her..
Aron is already do the best..has sacrifice his time to her..Aron just want see jessica happy..after that they always become a good best friend until now.."Aron just want let her go if someone already can protect her"..
So my conclusion.."If you love someone you must say it,even you don't get her..but if you keep it you will always get hurt n never get the answer..maybe sometimes love needs struggle n sacrifice even though that can hurt you.."